Criminal forensic evaluations involve assessing an individual’s mental health in relation to their involvement in criminal proceedings. Our evaluations seek to help individuals as well as courts and legal professionals make informed decisions regarding matters such as sentencing and treatment. They determine an individual’s psychological state during or after the alleged offense and provide essential insights for courts to make informed legal decisions.
This evaluation determines if an individual has the mental capacity to understand the legal proceedings and assist in their defense.
Also known as an insanity defense evaluation, this assessment determines whether an individual was mentally capable of understanding their actions or distinguishing right from wrong at the time of the alleged crime.
These assessments determine eligibility for alternative sentencing programs, such as mental health or drug courts, which offer treatment instead of incarceration for individuals with specific needs.
These evaluations assess whether an individual can be forcibly medicated to restore competency to stand trial, in accordance with the criteria established by the Sell v. US case.
These evaluations aim to identify mental health factors or life circumstances that may lessen the severity of punishment in sentencing, particularly in capital cases or cases with serious charges.
(c) Ajibade Consulting Group LLC 2024